Dental Implants
Instructions after the Placement of Dental Implants
Implants restored with a Temporary Crown - If your implant was restored with a plastic temporary crown (immediately stabilized or functioning technique). It is essential that the plastic splint not move. If movement of the splint is noted, contact us since it is of paramount importance that the splint be immobilized as soon as is practical.
Bleeding - It is normal for saliva to be slightly streaked with blood. In order to stop active bleeding place a moist piece of gauze or a cold, wet, squeezed tea bag and apply pressure by biting on it for 30 minutes. If necessary, repeat this application of pressure. Keep your fingers and tongue away from the surgical site.
Rinses - Do not actively rinse your mouth until the following day after surgery. On the morning following surgery, rinse mouth thoroughly with a mouth rinse such as Peridex or Listerine. Repeat this twice a day for 5 days.
Swelling - In some cases, puffiness and swelling may result and should not be a cause for alarm. Swelling may be kept to a minimum by holding a cold pack on the outside of your face, adjacent to the surgical area for the first 8 hours after your visit. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then off for 15 minutes.
Black and Blue - It is normal for some patients to become black and blue.
Denture - Avoid wearing dentures for as long as it is practical. It is essential that the dentures do not apply adverse pressure on the implants. Insertion of dentures too soon may jeopardize a successful healing process especially if they are used for chewing.
Diet - To prevent any inadvertent food particles from contaminating or injuring your surgical site, you should only have liquid and mashed foods around the surgical site during the first 2 weeks. Some examples are fruit juices, ice cream, soups, Ensure, Carnation Instant Breakfast, custards, mashed potatoes, peas, corn, and any food mashed in the blender. Smoking should be avoided as much as possible, especially for the first 2 weeks.
Sleeping - Keep your head elevated with 2 pillows while sleeping on the night of the surgery.
Medication Following dental surgery, it is normal to experience some discomfort. If medication has been prescribed, take as instructed. Please note the following:
Concerns: If you have any doubts or concerns, please call our office.
Instructions after the Uncovering of Implants
Remember - Treat your implants as you would your natural teeth.
Make sure that there is even pressure on your teeth when biting. If you experience extra force on your implant tooth, please contact our office immediately for an adjustment. Otherwise, you could lose osseointegration of the implant.
Hygiene - For a few days, the gum tissue around the implant may be tender; this is normal. After 24 hours, use a q-tip saturated with Listerine or Peridex to gently clean the gum tissue and the abutment until you can comfortably brush the area with your toothbrush.
If you have a temporary crown over the abutment do not floss this area as it may loosen the transitional crown; however, you may gently brush the area.
Discomfort - Most patients do not have discomfort after this procedure; however if you do, take your usual pain medications, i.e. Advil, Tylenol, etc. as directed.
Diet - Eat your normal diet as soon as your gingival tenderness is gone.
If you have a temporary crown, avoid “sticky” foods such as taffy, chewing gum, caramels, etc. as these foods may loosen or remove the crown.
Sutures - If you have sutures, they will dissolve in 5-7 days unless you were instructed to return for their removal.
Next Appointment - You should visit our office as directed to continue with the prosthetic phase of your implant restoration for future evaluations.
Concerns - If you have any concerns with your temporary crown loosening or coming off, please contact our office.
In the unlikely event that your abutment (the titanium metal attachment) comes loose or out, replace it with finger pressure and contact us so that we can retap the abutment into the implant. Try not to remove the abutment entirely from the implant, since your tissue will quickly close the opening requiring an additional surgical procedure.